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School of Computer Science BCS accreditation 2021 - 2026

Computer Systems Engineering BEng (Hons) - 2.2.1 Specify, design or construct computer-based systems

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COMP10120 First Year Team Project

Design and implementation of a substantial, data-driven web application.

Assesement : Presentation

COMP12111 Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

Addresses the design of simple processors and their interaction with memory and IO.

Assesement : Examination, Lab work

COMP15212 Operating Systems

By it's nature, the course only goes as far 'up' as operating systems, however the design of these is the core topic.

Assesement : Examination

COMP16321 Introduction to Programming 1

Design and implement simple Python based programs

Assesement : Individual coursework, Lab work

COMP22111 Processor Microarchitecture

The students specify, build, and test working processor solutions.

Assesement : Examination, Lab work

COMP22712 Microcontrollers

The practical work of the course is all about system building.

Assesement : Individual coursework, Lab work

COMP23311 Software Engineering 1

Students build and test a large open source software system

Assesement : Group coursework

COMP25212 System Architecture

The main aim of the course is computer architecture, so system design is an important part thereof.

Assesement : Examination, Lab work

COMP26020 Programming Languages & Paradigms

There is a set of exercises where specification is provided and different compute-based systems have to be implemented using different programming languages

Assesement : Examination, Lab work

COMP26120 Algorithms and Data Structures

The course is a practical course in which students build a variety of systems, from specification, through design to implementation.

Assesement : Lab work

COMP30040 Third Year Project Laboratory

Students may specify, design and implement a substantial computer-based system.

Assesement : Individual coursework

COMP32211 Implementing System-on-Chip Designs

The practical part of the course develops higher level models into Verilog HDL and thence to an FPGA. In the lectures the process of mapping designs to ASICs is studied with emphasis on practicalities such as trading chip area, delays, power, etc. to meet a specification.

Assesement : Examination, Individual coursework, Lab work

COMP35112 Chip Multiprocessors

Lectures describe many important details of the construction of multiprocessors.

Assesement : Examination